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[PLT3045A] HDMI Programming Tester
 PLT3045A is a tester/programmer which is desiged to test/program HDMI active cable using Synerchip SC2031Q HDMI cable booster chip. The PLT3045A test the HDMI active cable Bit Error Rate (BER) from low bit rate up to 3.4Gbps, find an optimal setting for SC2031Q and program the cable using the optimal setting. The PLT3045A control software implement learning capability to select some best settings for certain type of cable and store the selected settings for later testing the same cable type. There are a lot of setting implemented in Synerchip SC2031Q cable booster to adapt to different cable loss. By the learning capability, the PLT3045A can save a lot of cable test time.

[PLT3045A] HDMI Programming Tester Datasheet(English)
[PLT3045A] HDMI Programming Tester Datasheet(Chinese)

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