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[HDMI-CR02AM] HDMI1.4 Active Type C Receptacle Fixture
[HDMI-CR02AM] HDMI1.4 Active Type C Receptacle Fixture
[HDMI-DR01A] HDMI1.4 Type D Receptacle Fixture
[HDMI-DR01A] HDMI1.4 Type D Receptacle Fixture
[USB3-AR03AM] USB3.0 CTS Type A Fixture
[USB3-AR03AM] USB3.0 CTS Type A Fixture
[HDMI-CP01A] HDMI1.4 Type C Plug with Power Fixture
[HDMI-CP01A] HDMI1.4 Type C Plug with Power Fixture
[HDMI-DP01A] HDMI1.4 Type D Plug with Power Fixture
[HDMI-DP01A] HDMI1.4 Type D Plug with Power Fixture
[MHL-MR01AM] MHL Micro Receptacle Fixture
[MHL-MR01AM] MHL Micro Receptacle Fixture
[PLT3050A] USB3.0 Production Tester
[PLT3050A] USB3.0 Production Tester
[PLT2050D] HDMI Production Tester
[PLT2050D] HDMI Production Tester
 [HDMI2.1-CR01AM] HDMI2.1 type C Rec Fixture
[HDMI2.1-CR01AM] HDMI2.1 type C Rec Fixture
MHL Standard Test Fixture Set
MHL Standard Test Fixture Set

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[DP-01ARM] DisplayPort Receptacle Fixture
 LiTek's DP-01ARM is a good Rec-end test fixture for Display-Port Source and Sink signal quality and protocol testing. Not only 4 Lane pairs, Aux Channel, but also all low frequencies signal pins had been extended to the SMA connectors.
 Litek Technologies DisplayPort cable test solution provides you with a fast and easy way to verify your DisplayPort cable to meet DisplayPort Compliance Test Specification. This solution integrates both precision test fixture and TpNA software tested with Network Analyzer (NA) and Time Domain Reflectometry (TDR) and let engineers see the interaction between time and frequency domain.

[DP-01ARM] DisplayPort Receptacle Fixture Datasheet

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LiTek Technologies Tel:+886-3-4951851 Add:4F-3, No.18, Huannan Rd., Pingzhen City, Taoyuan County, Taiwan 32448
LiTek Precision Tel:+86-755-27331770 Add:901R, Shencai Building, Fuyong Boulevard, Fuyong Town, Bao'an District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China 51810