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Ramdon Products

PCI Express Gen3 Connector Fixture
PCI Express Gen3 Connector Fixture
[USB3-BP01A] USB3.0 Type B Plug Fixture
[USB3-BP01A] USB3.0 Type B Plug Fixture
USB3.0 CTS Standard Fixture Set (Mechanism Version)
USB3.0 CTS Standard Fixture Set (Mechanism Version)
[USB3-BR01A] USB3.0 Type B Receptacle Fixture
[USB3-BR01A] USB3.0 Type B Receptacle Fixture
[HDMI-CP01A] HDMI1.4 Type C Plug with Power Fixture
[HDMI-CP01A] HDMI1.4 Type C Plug with Power Fixture
 [HDMI2.1-CR01AM] HDMI2.1 type C Rec Fixture
[HDMI2.1-CR01AM] HDMI2.1 type C Rec Fixture
[HDMI-AP01AM] HDMI1.4 Type A Plug Fixture for Tektronix
[HDMI-AP01AM] HDMI1.4 Type A Plug Fixture for Tektronix
[HDMI-AP01AM] HDMI1.4 Type A Plug Fixture for Tektronix
[HDMI-AP01AM] HDMI1.4 Type A Plug Fixture for Tektronix
[HDMI-DR02AM] HDMI1.4 Active Type D Receptacle Fixture
[HDMI-DR02AM] HDMI1.4 Active Type D Receptacle Fixture
[PRB-50-P10-3AM] Delta L pitch 0.5mm
[PRB-50-P10-3AM] Delta L pitch 0.5mm

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PCI Express Gen3 Connector Fixture
 For PCIE Gen3 Connector, it have to pass the following specification.
(1).Insertion Loss:
 >= -0.5dB; f <=0.5 GHz.
 >= -[0.8*(f-0.25)+0.5]; 2.5GHz
 >= -[3*(f-5)+2.5]; 5GHz
(2).Return Loss:
 <= -15dB; f<=3GHz.
 <=5*f-30dB; 3GHz
 <=-1; 5GHz
(3).Near-End Crosstalk:
 <=-32dB; f<=2.5GHz.
 <=-26dB; 2.5GHz
 <=-20dB; 5GHz
 <=-10dB; 10GHz
 We apply both SMT and DIP Type connector test fixtures. With that, we also use TRL calibration method in order to get more accuracy data results.

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LiTek Technologies Tel:+886-3-4951851 Add:4F-3, No.18, Huannan Rd., Pingzhen City, Taoyuan County, Taiwan 32448
LiTek Precision Tel:+86-755-27331770 Add:901R, Shencai Building, Fuyong Boulevard, Fuyong Town, Bao'an District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China 51810