

WebAdmin - HDMI | 2011-11-24 | Count3527

 LiTek's HDMI-DR01A is a HDMI Type D receptacle test fixture used to measure HDMI cable with Type D plugs and HDMI source with HDMI Type D receptacle connector and connected with HDMI D type cable assembly. There are 5 pairs with SMA connectors in the Scope or Signal generator sides. The impedance in the test fixture is well designed between 95~105 ohms. The intra pair skew for all 5 pairs are designed less than 3ps.


[HDMI-DR01A] HDMI1.4 Type D Receptacle Test Fixture Datasheet(English)

[HDMI-DR01A] HDMI1.4 Type D Receptacle Test Fixture Datasheet(Chinese)

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